“We really appreciate WEGAI’s support here on this project – from what I’ve seen, you all are the gold standard for this type of work.”

“Thank you for helping us through this process. You are true professionals, and this experience reinforces the reasons why we lean on you for seismic engineering services.”
GE Representative

"We were very impressed with Travis throughout the entire OSHPD precertification endeavor and are
much pleased with his knowledge, performance and professionalism."
Technibus Representative

"We are really satisfied with your support and your work quality, as simple as that. We are convinced this
is the base for the long term business."
WEG Representative

“I have no comments except to thank for the excellent job, great quality, and in less time than expected.
Looking forward to work again with you as well.”
GE Representative

"Thank you for your full support. It is and it was a pleasure to work with your company."
Siemens Italy Representative

"Anyway, as always, I do appreciate working with Gundy!"
ABB/Kuhlman Representative

“I want you to know that I talked to 8 different people engineers and organizations and yours was the only one who provided real answers real possible solutions and real solid knowledge on the subject matter.”
Siemens Representative